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  Tree List
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This field is a combination of a multilist and a tree field.

/upload/sdn5/reference/field reference/standard data types/standart_data_types2.png

Use to create a field which allows a user to select multiple items from a content tree.

Users can put the items into the box on the right and sort the elements in the right hand box as needed.

Client view:

Inserts a field with a content tree on the left and the selection box on the right (see the image above).

The tree list field type stores the pipe separated list of GUIDs.

Valid default value:

Pipe separated list of GUIDs. For example:



Use the Source field to specify the Item which will be the entry point for lookup (i.e. the root item).

For example, you want to direct the user straight to the list of shapes instead, but not make one browse the entire content tree. In this case, you should specify the shapes item which contains the shapes as the source for lookup.


You will observe the following behavior in the Client:

/upload/sdn5/reference/field reference/standard data types/standart_data_types3.png

You can adjust the properties of the field by specifying the following parameters in the Source field:  

If you want to use several parameters, you should use the ampersand (&) sign to separate each parameter. For example, your Source field might look like this:

DataSource=/sitecore/content/home&AllowMultipleSelecton=no&ExcludeTemplates= Document,LinkedDocument

In this case, if you try to add an Item twice, you will get the following message:

 /upload/sdn5/reference/field reference/standard data types/treelist.jpg

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